Level 1:
Kindermusik for active babies 10 to 18 months

My baby and I both felt instantly comfortable and welcomed.

– Carly B

Your active wriggler’s body and brain are busy all the time! You’ll see the joy on his face as you share songs, rhymes, movement, percussion and playful “I Love You” rituals in a musical environment that is designed for free exploration and movement.

“As a mother I have cherished the time to sing, dance, snuggle and explore with my kids.”

– Monica B

Choose any baby class that fits your schedule. Classes at 11:30 am will mostly end up full of young babies under a year. Classes at 9:30 am will mostly be active babies 12 months and up. Visit REGISTER NOW to see all the options.

What you get

03 A Forty-five minute weekly class led by your fabulously talented Kindermusik Educator.

03 Tips and insights about how your baby’s brain is developing, and how to use the power of music to soothe, stimulate and bond with baby at home.

03 A warm, supportive community of other babies and the adults who love them.

03 Home resources delivered to your phone, tablet or computer. Includes all the songs and dance tunes, and plenty of info for parents about the developmental benefits of each of our activities. Plus BONUS activities you can try out at home and long after your class is over.

What we’ll do

Each class provides a musically enriched environment unlike any other. During this stage, your little one might be moving all the time. How on earth do they learn anything? What we know from years of experience is that your child will be seeing and hearing everything that goes on, no matter where she is in the classroom, and her brain will make thousands of connections in the process. So we’ll sing to them; exposing their young ears to the joy and connection of the human voice. We’ll dance – with baby in our arms or sometimes down on the floor on his own. We’ll play with baby-safe percussion instruments created just for them.

Bubbles, scarves, balls and a few surprises help us to involve all their senses in musical discovery. We’ll do all of this with diverse music, with rich and complex tonalities and rhythms, including jazzy, classical, and folk material from around the world.

With your Kindermusik Educator leading the way, we’ll guide them to experience a rich assortment of musical concepts long before they have the language to talk about them.

Benefits for Baby

Language Development

You’ll hear lots of sweet coo’s and goo’s before your baby’s first words, and Kindermusik activities will help you develop your baby’s language skills through vocalization in response to music, hearing his name in songs, and exploring sounds with his own voice.

Vocal Development

Being immersed in a bath of musical sound becomes the precursor to actual singing. Vocal play activities inspire your little one to begin to coo, babble, and hum – the beginning stages of learning to use the voice.

Cognitive Development

Little minds present a big window of opportunity, a window that’s actually only open for so long. Simple musical play activities increase your baby’s brain development by locating sounds though instrument and object play and feeling a steady beat.

Gross Motor Skills

One thing will naturally lead to the next as you expand your baby’s movement repertoire through activities that support rolling, crawling, and kicking during music, as well as sitting and standing independently, and later learning to walk, march, and dance.

Fine Motor Skills

From discovering her hands to learning what her hands can do, your baby will thrive on playful activities with you that give her practice in visually tracking objects and teach her how to reach, grasp, and release those objects as well as to transfer them from hand-to-hand.

Social Emotional Development

At a time when your child is becoming attached to you and just beginning to make her first connections with other people, Kindermusik helps you strengthen the precious bond with your child through cuddling, playing, humming, and dancing and also heighten the benefits of social interaction with others through side-by-side play and group dances.

Musical Development

Whether you are bouncing your child to the steady beat or she is doing a fledgling bouncy dance on her own, your baby is primed and ready to benefit from an early introduction to music through exploring instruments, listening to sounds, and moving to music.

Kindermusik and Brain Development

Your Kindermusik Educator is also your guide into how each activity contributes to your child’s development. Kindermusik engages in ongoing research about music and brain development that keep us in the forefront of early childhood music education.